Defish opens unique Moding Tools

Creative mod developers, Defish is with you!
Were you able to appreciate the useful work of our players in finding free fishing areas? We find it a great idea and say thank you for your interest! We are impressed by your healthy fanaticism and your desire to create. Because you and we are working towards the same goal.
That is why we will support and encourage such ambitious mod developers.
Do you have any ideas, want to create and be part of WOD development? We can help!
First of all, you can contact us:
Second of all, we will provide you with technical solutions and implementation support.
In addition, we have prepared several public universal moding tools that will certainly facilitate your development process. You can find them here:
Over time, their number will increase and they will be updated on a separate Gitbook page.
And, of course, such active Captains will be awarded with special prizes.
Friends, create, try and challenge yourself. Remember that Defish is a different web3 world in which everything is possible!